appleye p.c

ideas have no limits 

National/ EC Funded Research Projects: 3 

Project: Fortification of Tear Substitutes 
 Pasteur Institute +Appleye  1-9/2023 

STAGE A polyphenols/polyamines/NAD+ precursors/Insulin 

ευ ζην Holobiont, the book   

Το βιβλίο μου αποτελεί μια προσωπική προσπάθεια αποτύπωσης της κοσμογονίας που έχει φέρει στην προληπτική Ιατρική η κατανόηση τόσο των λαθών της επιστήμης της Διατροφής τα τελευταία 70 χρόνια, όσο και των αρχών του σύγχρονου κινήματος της Αντιγήρανσης. Χρησιμοποιώντας καθημερινές «ιστορίες-παραβολές» προσπαθώ να εξηγήσω με απλά λόγια, νέες έννοιες στην βιολογία, όπως το επιγονιδίωμα, το exposome και η έκφραση των γονιδίων της αντιγήρανσης στον άνθρωπο-Ηolobiont.

Υπό το πρίσμα των νέων ανακαλύψεων, μπορεί να κατανοηθεί η αξία της δίαιτας χαμηλής σε υδατάθρανθρακες, της διαλλειματικής διατροφής, του μικροβιώματος, των γενετικά τροποποιημένων τροφίμων, των συμπληρωμάτων, του ολοκληρωμένου ύπνου, κ.α.

Η επιστήμη οφείλει και μπορεί να επιμηκύνει την περίοδο ευεξίας στην ζωή μας, αρκεί να κάνουμε και εμείς συγκεκριμένες ενσυνείδητες επιλογές στην καθημερινότητα μας.    

Click below to enter SNEAK PREVIEW 

Νέο Άρθρο για μεταβολική Υγεία στην Οφθαλμολογία click HERE

my personal innovation Blog in Ophthalmology  (Preventive-Culinary-Nutritional Medicine)

currently: 26 projects are included

my kind of gaming! 

the co-inventor of SCLIS D Spourdalakis on top of Europe (literally!) with the EyeBank/ Appleye Banner
the co-inventor of SCLIS D Spourdalakis on top of Europe (literally!) with the EyeBank/ Appleye Banner

Table of Contents : click on individual Projects for more info 

athensvision, excellens, hellenic eyebank demokritos, cyprus_eyebank,, cori project, faethon -the photonic smart ophthalmic suture, no touch SCLIS, the CTA project, tyre in the rim, gregory IOL, Corsil/ chandalier IOL, universal IOL Adaptor, 1mm artificial periphakion (Bayou), VITAL keratoconus classification, AMART keratoconus micrografting, triple crosslinking procedure, the demokritos donor trephine, the corneal dilator project, zero gravity keratoplasty, fortified Cornea Antibiotics (therapeutics), the  Appleye IOS project , the Longevity FUND book project, the Tinos Longevity Camp project, the Bayou Book project, AI Assistance in Cadaveric Eye Donor Selection   

For Inquiries regarding Clinical Ophthalmology please visit 

some of the logos that have been created by APPLEYE P.C so far...  

History:  ΣfEE Innovationproject 2.0 

Winning the first prize among 200+ projects from all University and National Research institutes in late 2014 for our idea about future eyebanking was the catalyst for diving deeper into applied innovation in Ophthalmology. This  lead the way to 5 more Patents awarted and at least 3 more pending till present date. 


Multidisciplinary Ophthalmology Group Practice

 & Licensed Ambulatory Surgical Centre 

Medical Director: Anastasios C Charonis MD,PhD 

Cyprus_Eye Bank/ Hellenic Eye_Bank "Γρηγόρης Γεωργαρίου" 

the first Private Eye_Bank in Greece/Cyprus

Even if the project "Hellenic Eye_Bank Demokritos" has not been  successful for political reasons between 2015-2019,  our ISO 9001 established Laboratory facility was indeed realised in 2018 in the most prestigious Research Institute in Greece (Demokritos Agia Paraskeyi). The project is temporarily moved to Cyprus in an attempt to create the first Panhellenic Eye_Bank in the World. It is officially licensed as a "Tissue Establishment" according to EC Directives in January 2020.

by Appleye
by Appleye

the website

"know your IOLS" by Appleye 

We created this website to classify and sort out over 450+ Intraocular Lenses powered up ...from -50D to +200 Diopters. We expanded our Registry to include all Antibiotics (including fortifieds) and antiallergics currently circulating in Greece...But still there is a long way to go....

EyeYON/ FORTH/ Appleye
EyeYON/ FORTH/ Appleye

project status: ACTIVE 

We are proud to be included in probably the most ambitious -and disputed- disruptive technology in modern Cornea Transplant Surgery. The Corneal Implant is meant to bypass Endothelial Function by providing a Fluid Barrier to the underside of the Cornea. The nanomodification of the 1st Gen Implant to enhance adhesion properties is currently being studied at FORTH, University of Crete. It is financed through ESPA and Athensvision.

βαθμολογία 4.65/5.00
βαθμολογία 4.65/5.00

 Faethon project

project Status: ACTIVE

the first photonic "Smart" 10-0 Nylon adjustable suture in Ophthalmology


no touch SCLIS project

this APPLEYE project was submitted for patent on 15/9/2020 and has been already pitched to Angel Investors. More information soon!

the CTArv project

the Compartmentalized Topographic Ablation of reduced volume project aims to  realize unprecended volumetric reduction in keratorefractive Excimer and Femto Laser Surgery practically independent from Refraction and Ablation Centration in any irregular cornea compared with classical Corneal Wavefront (tilt off Topography-guided Ablation), provided  a reliable reflection topography and OCT pachymetric map of the total cornea is available. It is designed to be applicable and compatible  with the AMART additive project. The CTArv IP  royalties have been granted to a major Refractive Laser Company for realization. 

the universal IOL adaptor

this patented project by APPLEYE is designed to transform a single piece IOL in a two-piece IOL to be secured in Ant Capsulorhexis, Sulcus, Sclera or Iris. 

the MAC-Bayou System (artificial periphakion)

this patented project by APPLEYE offers a different perspective in alternative IOL fixation. Instead of changing the IOL we propose to change the periphakion through a simple 1mm pars plana Bridge anchored intrasclerally from the outside.

Tyre in the Rim Keratoplasty -eyeFrame-

this patented APPLEYE project offers unprecedented stability and astigmatism management in DALK or PKP  based on combining the  technology to create Domes in Huge Renaissance Temples + Automobile Tyres. 

CorSiL project

this patented APPLEYE project involves the creation of a corneal supported temporary keratoprosthesis and even the prerequisite of a long term IOL fixation. 

the Chandalier Graft-IOL-Iris Composite

this patented APPLEYE Project involves the realisation of a quadruple procedure (IOL+ IRIS+ GRAFT) to be partly performed ex-vivo in the Eye_Bank premises. 

the Demokritos Donor Trephine

can we improve upon the concept of Corneoscleral Harvesting?  Is it possible to harvest  isolated Endothelial Grafts? Follow/ comment on this ongoing project. 

the Gregory Phakic IOL

this patented APPLEYE Project involves the creation of personalised optics in a unique lens utilizing a new and advanced iris fixation principle 

this APPLEYE Project involves the fabrication of micro implants in the Eye_Bank (hence RefrACTIVE Eye_Bank!)  according to corneal wavefront theory already implemented in traditional ablative surgery in order to augment   cornea stroma (ADDITIVE CORNEA MICROSURGEERY) aiming to be used in keratoconus 

VITAL plus Keratoconus classification system

this APPLEYE project involves the classification of keratoconus according the AMART principle of extra ocular sub epithelial micro grafting correction 

triple Crosslinking

this APPLEYE project involves the translation of temporary epithelial changes of OrthoK into permanent ones by sequentially applying OrthoK > PTK > CXL 

zero gravity keratoplasty

this patented APPLEYE project involves setting the grounds to eliminate the neusense of "open sky" ocular surgery 

the corneal dilator

this is an ongoing project to create PPV conditions in AC Surgery. It has been submitted for Patent in 14th October 2020. 

io-S System 




Hellenic Cornea Society

there is a renewed demand and interest for a revival and revision of the society. 
Visit the website for more information